How to make teeth white naturally from yellow |
ISLAMABAD, DEC 10 - We all dream of having perfect looking teeth which you see on the red carpet and all over the magazine covers.
However not all of us can afford to go to dentist to have our teeth professionally whitened, and that’s okay save your hard-earned cash because we have collected ten effective ways to naturally whiten your teeth without destroying your enamel or your bank account.
Before we get into the home remedies you should know that all of these methods must not be used at the same time. “Pick one and Stick to it”.
How to make teeth white naturally from yellow
Plus if you have problems with your teeth at home whitening may not be for you, you can always check with your dentist before hand to make sure.
Taking proper care of your teeth every day is important for these remedies to work in effective way.
No. 1: Activated charcoal;
The activated charcoal has recently been gaining fame as an amazing home remedy for teeth whitening and it is no surprise since it is for sure one of the easiest and most inexpensive products to naturally whiten your teeth as an antioxidant this stuff truly works wonders by removing all the toxins and surface stains left by tea, coffee and food consumption.
Brushing your teeth with activated charcoal has been proven to lighten them by up to three shades pretty impressive, right!
So if you want to try it, here is what you should do.
Crush up on charcoal tablet into a powder, dip your clean wet toothbrush into it and brush your teeth as you normally do, just do not freak out when your teeth and mouth instantly become covered in the black stuff. It rinses away to reveal brighter, whiter teeth.
No. 2: powdered milk and toothpaste;
The dairy products specially milk significantly improve the health of your teeth, that is because milk contains both calcium and phosphorus which promote the remineralisation of tooth enamel you.
You can use power milk to brush your teeth, combine it with your toothpaste an even better effect, just put some toothpaste on your toothbrush add a bit of powdered milk on top and brush your teeth.
Do this one to two times a week to get your teeth pearly white and strong.
No. 3: baking soda and lemon juice;
Baking soda does a great job at removing surface stains from your teeth making them way wider as a result. Lemon contains Vitamin “C” which is known for lightening the teeth.
The right way to combine these two ingredients would be to put a pinch of baking soda on your tooth brush and then add a few drops of lemon juice over it to achieve a set of bright shiny teeth.
Just do not use this whitening method more than once a week.
No. 4: baking powder and lemon juice;
Baking powder eliminates stains on the surface of your teeth and lemon juice as we already said has multiple components that lightening teeth.
Just mix a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush your teeth with the paste this mixture will work wonders in just two minutes.
But remember the golden rule, do not leave it on your teeth more than two minutes because it will damage your enamel.
After a couple of weeks of using this home treatment once or twice a week your teeth will be so blinding that you will have to warn people to put on some sunglasses before you smile at them.
No. 5: lemon juice and water;
Mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water will help restore whiteness to your teeth and completely disinfect your oral cavity.
Take one teaspoon of water and one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush your teeth thoroughly with the combined liquids, and then rinse it out, after that brush your teeth again and this time with your regular toothpaste , do this just once a week to lighten your teeth.
No. 6: a strawberry;
Pretty much everybody knows that strawberries are super delicious and healthy, but did you know that they are great for lightening your teeth as well.
That is because they are acidic which if you have not noticed by now is great for teeth whitening.
The easiest way to make use of it is to take a ripe strawberry and mash it up with a spoon and brush your teeth with this paste for a few minutes to get rid of yellow stains, you can do this once a month.